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earliest Mention Of Tea
According to a magazinist, the first mention of tea by an Englishman is to be found in a letter from Mr. Wickham, an agent of the East India Company, written from Japan, on the 27th of June, 1615, to Mr. Eaton, another officer of the company, a res...
five-o'clock Tea
There is a fallacy among certain tea-fanciers that the origin of five-o'clock tea was due to hygienic demand. These students of the stomach contend that as a tonic and gentle stimulant, when not taken with meat, it is not to be equalled. With meat o...
ladies Literature And Tea
In spite of the fact that coffee is just as important a beverage as tea, tea has been sipped more in literature. Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more of a domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hou...
Little Cups Of Chinese And Japanese Tea
Although the legend credits the pious East Indian with the discovery of tea, there is no evidence extant that India is really the birthplace of the plant. Since India has no record of date, or facts, on stone or tablet, or ever handed down a sing...
Some English Tea History
Tea was brought into Europe by the DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY, in 1610. It was at least forty, and perhaps forty-seven, years later that England woke up to the fascinations of the new drink. Dr. Johnson puts it at even a later date, for he claims tha...
sydney Smith
One evening when Sidney Smith was drinking tea with Mrs. Austin the servant entered the crowded room with a boiling tea-kettle in his hand. It seemed doubtful, nay, impossible, he should make his way among the numerous gossips--but on the first app...
tea In Ladies' Novels
What would women novelists do without tea in their books? The novelists of the rougher sex write of over the coffee and cigars; or, around the gay and festive board; or, over a bottle of old port; or, another bottle of dry and sparkling champagne w...
tea Leaves
BY JOHN ERNEST MCCANN According to Henry Thomas Buckle, the author of The History of Civilization in England, who was the master of eighteen languages, and had a library of 22,000 volumes, with an income of $75,000 a year, at the age of twenty-ni...
tea-drinking In Other Lands
While tea-drinking outside of Japan and China is not attended with any high-days and holidays, still there are countries where it is just as important element of the daily life of its people as it is in the Land of the Rising Sun. Among the Burme...
The Origin Of Tea
Darma, third son of Koyuwo, King of India, a religions high priest from Siaka (the author of that Eastern paganism about a thousand years before the Christian era), coming to China, to teach the way of happiness, lived a most austere life, passing h...
wit Wisdom And Humor Of Tea
Tea tempers the spirits and harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens thought and prevents drowsiness, lightens or refreshes the body, and clears the perceptive faculties.--CONFUCIUS. Thank God for tea! What would the w...
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ladies Literature And Tea
Tea Terms
O Tea!
On Tea
five-o'clock Tea
Some English Tea History
tea Leaves
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the Tea-table
dr Johnson's Affinity
to The Author On His Poem Upon Tea
dr Johnson Again
wit Wisdom And Humor Of Tea
tea In Ladies' Novels
the Introduction
Little Cups Of Chinese And Japanese Tea